
January 26, 2021

General Surgeon Hosts Virtual Lecture Encouraging Residents to Stay Diligent about Important Surgical Care in COVID-19 Era

Dr. Michael Janice, General Surgeon at Odessa Regional Medical Center, will host a virtual lecture on Monday, February 1 from 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm to discuss why you shouldn’t delay surgical care amidst COVID-19.

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has changed the way many go about their day— socializing, working, schooling, eating at a restaurant and filling the gas tank. Even a trip to the doctor's office is different due to COVID-19. For those facing a major surgery, you might wonder what preparation and recovery will look like and whether you'll be safe during the procedure in an COVID-19 era. Dr. Janice aims to answer these questions and more.

Viewers can join the live stream and submit questions to be answered at the conclusion of the event using this Microsoft Team invite link below:

This event is free and open to the public. Once the event is completed, those that are unable to attend the live stream may view the recording using the same link to watch at a later date.